夸克网盘 阿里云盘 《真假铁马骝》百度云网盘电影|在线观看uc网盘|超清BD1080P|中字资源下载(2019)_人人电影网,百度云盘,阿里网盘下载

导演: 叶永健
编剧: 许建军 / 楼十八
主演: 敖嘉年 / 何佩珉 / 陈观泰 / 莫美林 / 林子善 / 周强 / 谷峰 / 张文杰
类型: 剧情 / 动作
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 / 中国香港
语言: 粤语 / 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2019-07-08(中国大陆)
片长: 87分钟
又名: The Real Iron Monkey
上海精武会会长霍东阁年事已高,需要找接班人。只有两个人合资格。一是现任上海精武会的执事,精武会创会会长霍元甲大弟子孔慈的儿子孔鹏;另一人选就是广东精武会分会的主持人郭天。 为保万无一失,霍东阁修书欲请出当年侠盗“铁马骝”帮忙运送名册,铁马骝以自己年事已高,改荐其孙新一代铁面大侠铁忠帮忙护送名单由广东送到上海,期间遇上不同人马,巧取豪夺,激战连场,最后一场大混战,郭天发觉其中一个对手,身手很是熟悉,激战中发现他应该是“铁马骝”。 震南三人来到铁马骝住处查问究竟!铁马骝大为奇怪,这二十年,他从未离开家乡半步,如何加害郭天? 原来铁马骝有一个双胞胎弟弟“铜马骝”,同拜于“战猴拳”门下,结果一个成为侠盗,一个却成为大盗……震南一愕,难道出手抢夺名册;不是铁马骝,而是从关外回来的铜马骝? 铁马骝将“战猴拳”最后三招杀着传给震南,让他可以制伏铜马骝……大会上一阵大笑声响起!只见铁马骝擒着铜马骝来到,力证震南所言非假!看见真假两个铁马骝,众人目定口呆!铜马骝一生最怕就是自己的兄长,现在被铁马骝擒下,只有说出真相,力证主谋就是孔鹏,一切都是他的阴谋诡计!孔鹏大笑承认一切! 得回清白的郭天,为了让孔鹏心服,就让他们来一个“争夺会长之战”,由铁马骝作证……孔鹏大笑应允!他就不信自己不能将郭天击倒! 一阵欢呼声响起……画外音听见霍东阁宣布新一任的会长是郭天。

Huo Dongge, President of Shanghai Jingwu Association, is old and needs to find a successor. Only two people are eligible. One is Kong Peng, the son of Kong Ci, the first disciple of Huo Yuanjia, the current deacon of Shanghai Jingwu Association, and the other is Guo Tian, the host of Guangdong Jingwu Association. Huo Dongge wants to send the name list to Shanghai from Guangdong. He meets different men and horses. He is very familiar with his skills and fights fiercely He was found to be an iron monkey. Zhennan three people came to iron monkey’s residence to ask the truth! Iron monkey was very strange. In the past 20 years, he never left his hometown. How did he harm Guo Tian? It turns out that iron monkey has a twin brother, copper monkey, who worships under the “war monkey boxing”. As a result, one becomes a grand thief, and the other becomes a big thief Zhen Nan was stunned. Did he grab the register? Not the iron monkey, but the copper monkey who came back from outside the pass? Iron Monkey passes the last three moves of “fighting monkey boxing” to Zhennan so that he can subdue copper monkey There was a big laugh at the meeting! I saw iron monkey catching copper monkey came, strong proof Zhennan said is not false! Seeing the real and the fake two iron monkeys, everyone was stunned! Copper monkey is afraid of his elder brother most in his life. Now he is captured by iron monkey. He has to tell the truth and prove that Kong Peng is the mastermind. Everything is his conspiracy! Kong Peng laughs and admits everything! In order to convince Kong Peng, he asked them to fight for the president. As TieMa Liu testified Kong Peng laughs and agrees! He doesn’t believe he can’t knock down Guo Tian! A burst of cheers rang out The voice over heard Huo Dongge announce that the new president is Guo Tian.

