【网盘】阿里云盘 《厨子戏子痞子》百度云网盘电影|在线观看uc网盘|蓝光超清BD1080P|中文字幕(2013)

导演: 管虎
编剧: 管虎 / 董润年
主演: 刘烨 / 张涵予 / 黄渤 / 田中千绘 / 梁静 / 王迅 / 大冢匡将 / 张鲁一
类型: 喜剧 / 动作
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2013-03-29(中国大陆)
片长: 108分钟
又名: 厨戏痞 / 厨子·戏子·痞子 / 虎烈拉 / The Chef, The Actor, The Scoundrel
IMDb链接: tt2645044
20世纪40年代初,日本731部队投放的细菌发生变异,“虎烈拉”横行华北,进而威胁到日军。日军密电急召专家携秘方前来灭疫灾。北平城被日军封城。城外瘟疫,城里饥荒。一个流氓 (黄渤饰)饿得不行了,误打误撞把两个日本人劫到了一家日本料理店里。料理店里只有中国人店主夫妇和一个神叨叨的驻店唱戏戏子 (张涵予饰)。怎么处理这俩日本人成了难题。厨子 (刘烨饰)怕得要死,要立刻放人。流氓为了赶紧扔掉这俩烫手的山芋尽快脱身,谎称自己是八路,要把俩日本人存在店主这儿。戏子则要把日本人和流氓都杀了,省得放了日本人得罪八路,放了八路得罪日本人。为了让另外俩人听自己的,流氓掏出手榴弹,厨子拿出刀,戏子举着矛。三个人陷入僵局。老板娘 ( 梁静 饰)翻两个日本人行李,忽然发现两个日本人的真实身份竟然是731派来救灾的生化专家。由此,流氓不跑了,戏子也不杀了,三人达成共识:套出秘方,发财分赃。流氓和戏子逼着店主做翻译,轮番用各种阴招审问日本人,而汉奸店主还在翻译的过程中偷偷地帮助日本人,与此同时,三个伪侦缉队队员也莫名其妙地卷进了这场事件中。而实际上,厨子、戏子、痞子和老板娘四个人同为燕京大学毕业大学生,他们这么做的一切都是为了得到虎烈拉的疫苗元素 。

Set during the Sino-Japan war, a biological weapon (cholera) is used by Japan. But their plan falls apart when it mutates and everyone is at risk. A Japanese scientist is racing a cure back to HQ, when he is held up in the streets of a deserted city by The Scoundrel. The scientist and scoundrel end up in a deserted restaurant where they meet an unusual Cook & his wife, with the house Actor. Everyone wants the case the scientist has, and various plans to sell and divide the contents emerge. But not everyone is who they appear to be in is accidental meeting at the restaurant. And the prize in the case isn’t what anyone was expecting. Things get complicated when loyalties shift, and local enterprising detectives show up. Eventually, we learn what is really going on, but a ‘surprise’ visit from the Japanese occupying forces just brings everything to a dangerous showdown. Will the hero(s) live through it with their prize, once Japanese forces surround the restaurant?



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